Entries by Rob Stephens

What’s New with Strike Indicators?

We’ve all been there…Working some nice fish. Then the release type of strike indicator keeps coming unbuttoned on each cast. Frustrating. It happens when we are fishing our balanced or jiggy type flies. Indicator fatigue. The foam wears out around the peg. February’s Fly Leaf, presented some fun ideas with fixed indicators- Part 1. They […]

December Meeting Holiday Raffle

Thank you to all of our members who helped organize and contribute to the annual Holiday Raffle! Chair Gordon Olson and the Raffle Committee did outstanding job!  Members took home great fly fishing related items including flies, waders, books, art, guided trips, and much more!  The many generous donations allow the club to continue with […]

Fly Tying at YaYa Brewery

Thursday night fly tying has become a success.  The sessions, being held at YaYa Brewery, have been fun and well attended. The brainchild of IEFFC member Bryan Harman, the evenings have been filled with excellent tying, good beer, and great conversation.  The plan is to continue with every other Thursday evening format throughout the winter. […]