Our booth at the Big Horn Show was again a huge success. There was great participation from the club and a large number of visitors to our display. We were able to work with many young men and women who wanted to learn a little about fly fishing and tying flies. It was enjoyable and thanks to all who participated. We are looking forward to continuing our commitment by being at next years show.

Those of you who didn’t get a chance to participate, sharpen your skills and sign up for next year. It is well worth it.
Volunteers included the following: Chet Allison, Lee Funkhouser, Bob Johnson, Stephen Aspinwall, Bruce Morgan, Bob Burton, Bill McElroy, Randy Shaber, Phil Beck, Gordon Olson, David Lohman, Mike Fortney, Frank Faha, Bill Papesh, Bryan Harman, Skip Cavanaugh, Jerry McBride, Dan Lobb, Jon Bowne, Larry Ray and Jason Mulligan. A special thanks to Bill Papesh for donating hats and Leon Buckles for all of the extra assistance he provided including set-up, breakdown and storage of supplies.
Lee Funkhouser
Lee Funkhouser2018-04-02 13:48:462018-04-02 13:48:462018 Big Horn Show
The Fly Leaf April 2018
New Sign at Amber Lake
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