Kid’s Fishing 2020
Mark your Calendars!
Kids fishing 2020 will take place on Saturday May 2nd with the Ronald McDonald house Kids fishing
to take place on Friday the 1st of May.
Floyd will have two sign up sheets (one for each event) on the tables at the March and April meeting.
The volunteers for the Ronald McDonald house kids fishing should show up by no later than 1:30 pm
as the bus will leave for the lake about 2:00 pm. We’ll leave the lake around 5:00 pm. If you’d rather, you can
meet us at the lake.
The volunteers for the kids fishing event on Sat May 2nd should show up between 7 and 7:30 am so Randy can
explain what is to take place for the day. While there, be sure to sign in one the sign in sheet so the DFW can credit your volunteer hours. The sing up sheet will be with the lady that is checking in the kids.
There will be rod building on Wednesday April 8th from 6:00 pm lasting until about 9:00 pm. Rod building is
typically at the Wildlife Council building on N. Market Street.
Whether you sign up or not please pass the sheets around the tables and make sure that I get them back.
We’ll have more details at the meetings and in next month’s Flyleaf, but if you want information quicker contact
Floyd Holmes directly.