Kid’s Fishing 2016
THIS YEARS KIDS FISHING DAY WILL BE ON MAY 7TH AT THE FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE RECREATION AREA AT CLEAR LAKE. The Ronald McDonald house Kid Fishing will be on Friday May 6th from 2:00 pm until about 5:00 pm.
There will be a sign up sheet on the tables at the April meeting.
If you volunteer for Saturday, May 7th, you should be at the lake by 7:30 am for the orientation meeting.
If you sign up for the Ronald Mc Donald house fishing you should be at the house no later than 1:20pm for the bus ride out.
There will be Rod assembly on Wednesday, April 6th, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. We hope to get all the rods assembled on that night. This will take place at the wildlife council bldg. at 6116 north Market St about one block south of Francis Ave on the east side of Market Street.
All volunteers are welcome and they can work whatever hours fit in their schedule.