IEFFC Legacy Committee Scholar: Collin Hendricks
The recipient of the IEFFC Legacy Committee scholarship for 2020-2021 is Collin Hendricks.
Collin is 22 years old and currently a senior at Eastern Washington University and plans on continuing his education to get his masters in fisheries biology following graduation.
Collin is from the small town of Chelan, Washington where he grew up doing just about anything you could think of outdoors. For as long as he can remember his father would take the family camping, hunting, back-packing, and, Collin’s favorite, fishing. This is where he grew to love everything about the sport, as well as the animals that he was catching.
His interest and respect for fish started when he was young and being able to work with and help these animals has turned into a passion of his. He had the privilege of working as a research assistant in the EWU fisheries department this past summer and was able to help Craig Wells with his master’s thesis as they collected tissue samples from Westslope Cutthroat Trout in north Idaho. This was a great experience and really gave Collin insight into some of the awesome work he hopes to do in the coming years.
Collin wants to thank the Inland Empire Fly Fishing Club members and especially the Legacy Committee for helping him along in his endeavors and for awarding him with this scholarship!
He has been invited to a future meeting and we are hoping Covid-19 will allow us an opportunity to meet this fine young man.