Fin Clipping – Fall 2019

Again this year the IEFFC joined other groups at the WDFW Spokane fish hatchery to clip adipose fins from fish that will be planted in Lake Spokane.  About 56,000 female triploid three to four inch rainbows raised by Trout Lodge Hatchery were processed over two days.


On Monday, September 23 the following IEFFC members clipped fins: John Bennett, John Bowne, Bob Harley, Keith Kuester, Dan Lobb, Bill Papesh, and Jerry McBride.


On Tuesday, September 24 the following IEFFC members clipped fins: Jim Athearn, Guy Gregory, Floyd Holmes, Jake Nelson, Dick Ralston, and John Ralston.


WDFW provided goodies for the morning break and lunch for all participants.


Thank you all that helped out.