Fall Outing

The Inland Empire Fly Fishing Club Fall outing was held on Saturday, September 16th. A healthy group of IEFFC members attacked the river from the lower end all the way up to Teepee Creek, with varied success. The best fishing seemed to be higher up, but fish were caught throughout the system.

Following the day of fishing, the group met at Steamboat for a chili feed. Bryan Harman and Bob Johnson did most of the heavy lifting and the food was excellent. There were some interesting tales told at dinner and a great time was had by all.

The surprise of the day was IEFFC member, Lee Funkhouser, getting his deer. Unfortunately, Lee is
not a hunter and he got his deer with the right front of his truck as he headed down the river road. Nobody in the truck was hurt, but the deer received severe injuries and had to be put down.

We are planning a winter outing for Rocky Ford. The weed growth has to clear out before that makes sense, but details will be sent out near the end of December and we are currently looking at January as a good time to meet.