Conservation Committee Sets 2018 Projects

2018 For Sure
Latah Creek River Keeper Silt Monitoring – See article by Tom Stralser.
2018 Just About for Sure
Clean Out Bayley Lake Spawning Channel – We have done this just about every year since the five
low log dams were put in by the IEFFC to create spawning beds for fish in Bayley Lake. Being able to
spawn adds a year or two to the life of the fish that would normally die after three years. The project
requires eight people for half of a day. We go fishing in Bayley Lake when we are done. This project is
done in late September or early October and I will try to plan it for a Saturday so members who work
during the week have a chance to participate.
Fin Clip Fish for WDFW – Done over two days with 16 people required each day. We do this project
with the Spokane Fly Fishers so we would each supply eight people. WDFW supplies lunch. I have
asked WDFW if we can do this on a weekend so members who work during the week have a chance to
2018 Maybe Projects
Put Up New Signs with Current Regulations at Amber and Coffeepot Lakes – The frames are already
there so IEFFC would acquire new signs and two people from the club would put them in place.
Then they could go fishing for the rest of the day.
Plant Native Shrubs and Trees Along the Upper Reaches of Latah Creek – Tom Stralser is working
with the Coeur d’Alene tribe on this. Our part of this could be a donation of money to help pay for
the materials used. No more details known at this time.
Assist Spokane Fly Fishers in improving natural spawning in creek flowing into Browns Lake
(Pend Oreille County). No estimate of cost or manpower at this time.
Participate in a project in the Thompson River, MT drainage. Leon Buckles is going to attend a
meeting in Thompson Falls, MT January 23, 2018 to find out what the project entails and how the
IEFFC might participate.
Randy Osborne of WDFW may have a project for the upper Spokane River. He will get back to us
when it is better defined.
Pie-In-The-Sky Like-to-Have
Rework launch at Fourth of July Lake so boats can be launched with the new prevailing lower
water level. Boat launching at Fourth of July Lake has become almost impossible for the last seven or
eight years. WDFW needs to fix this. Good news! Randy Osborne of WDFW has agreed to take a look
at how this situation could be rectified. Our role is mainly to keep reminding WDFW that this is a problem
that needs fixing.